6. Work-Life Balance and Wellbeing in Recession and Austerity.
Venue: BPS London office
Hosts: Professor Gail Kinman and Dr Almuth McDowall
10.00 Registration and coffee
10.15 Introduction (Professor Gail Kinman and Dr Almuth McDowall)
10.45 Thorsten Lunau (University of Duesseldorf, Germany). Work-life balance and health and wellbeing in European welfare states (download bio and talk summary here). Download presentation
11.15 Dr Rea Prouska (Middlesex University). WLB and quality of working life in Greece in times of financial crisis (download bio and talk summary here). Download presentation.
11.45 Dr Frances McGinnity and Dr Helen Russell (Economic and Social Research Institute and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland). Gender, recession and work-life conflict (download bios and talk summary here). Download presentation
12.15 Discussion in groups
12.45 Lunch
13.30 Julia Fernando, Dr. Donna Willis, Dr Jeremy Dawson and Professor Michael West (The King’s Fund). Work-life presssures for health service staff during the recession period. (download bios here). Download presentation
14.00 Emma Donaldson-Feilder (Director of Affinity Health at Work). Supporting line managers to enhance employee wellbeing and work-life balance (download bio here). Download presentation
14.45 Discussion in groups
15.30 Feedback and summing up
16.00 Close